21 Dec Heriberto Ramirez, Helen Ceballos, and Celiany Rivera Velázquez: Oral Histories of Surveillance
Oral Histories Series | Mariella Saba[W]e were born with a surveillance camera of the Empire looking at this state...
[W]e were born with a surveillance camera of the Empire looking at this state...
Nosotros nacimos con una cámara de vigilancia, del Imperio mirando a este estado. Y que a veces uno interioriza y normaliza. Entonces cuando uno entra en procesos de conciencia uno dice: "Esto no está bien." ...
And so we see this, and then we have our period apps giving off information to companies like Facebook who send it to different companies and governments. [They] are able to use all this information without our consent to regulate our bodies, how much contraceptives...