21 Dec Heriberto Ramirez, Helen Ceballos, and Celiany Rivera Velázquez: Oral Histories of Surveillance
Oral Histories Series | Mariella Saba[W]e were born with a surveillance camera of the Empire looking at this state...
[W]e were born with a surveillance camera of the Empire looking at this state...
Part of the reason that this work is so hard is...
What you need to do is attack its legitimacy, because what it's trying to do is use science to legitimize something that has been created—I almost beg to say is almost a lie, like a fabricated lie—that policing is something that is a natural phenomenon....
There's a lot of people who do research on Black families and speak for Black families and it's like, you have a degree of separation [and] you think you can just separate the research from your personal life and you probably can, because you have...